Thursday, November 26, 2015

Start of Year Three and Blogging for the Talon Crew

Professional photo I just came across in the Talon Crew archives.
Can you tell how much enjoyed being out there on the World Championships last year?
Right now I'm busy writing for the Talon Crew as their main blogger and working on the course.  Talon Crew are the folk who prepare the Birds of Prey Championship race course with World Cup competition starting next week. Here's the main blog page:Talon Crew Website  Once the races are over after Dec. 6 I'll get back to writing for this blog about life and adventures in the Vail Valley.

Here's a couple of the blogs I've recently posted for the Talon Crew:

What's the Average of the Above Average?--an analysis of who makes up the crew

The Heat is On --a short article about an 11,000 ft. HVAC guy

All this brings me back to the great fun I had working on the World Championships and I got a chance to look through the 100's of pro photos on the crew Flicker account and found some photos of myself I hadn't come across yet. We have a professional photographer on course most every day who takes great photos of the crew at work. Working the Worlds was definitely one of my highlights of the 14-15 season at Vail.

World Championships final volunteer celebration. Lots of fun, food and swag.

Having a little fun in the end of the day Talon Crew beer tent with my bad ass bell. It's a Himalayan donkey bell I bought in western Nepal in 1989 and packed in my gear for ski race events last year. It really out rang those silly little Swiss bells.  It was heard up on course while I was working,  in meetings, beer tent  and on days I was in the grandstands as a spectator.